Essential Oils for Maternity and Pregnancy–A Beautiful Adventure


Essential Oils are the lifeblood of a plant. So, if you secretly want to be a vampire this is your ticket! Not your thing? That’s okay, we’ve got you covered too! Essential oils protect the plant from disease and provide nutrients. Plants rely on their oils to grow and adapt to their surroundings. This is important for us because life, and growing new life, requires us to constantly evaluate, adapt and overcome and essential oils can help support that in many ways.

Essential Oils can be found in a plant’s flower, stem, leaves, bark or fruit. They are usually extracted through steam distillation. Essential Oils are very complex, containing hundreds or thousands of different chemical compounds; this is what gives each plant its unique and diverse healing attributes and characteristics. All oils are NOT created equally. As a consumer you need to be very careful that the oils you use, especially while pregnant and with your growing family, are seed to seal pure essential oils, like Young Living. Other companies put additives in and adulter their oils. While they may be cheaper, they are also not safe for topical or internal use and I wouldn’t want to be breathing additives in when I can have the real deal that has healing benefits!

Essential Oils have been around since ancient times and were even mentioned in the bible. They are still being used to create health and wellness, mentally and physically. They are not new but we are using them in new and creative ways to benefit our health.

Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils can: 

*reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes of being applied topically

*help eliminate toxins from your body

*help support the immune system, digestive, nervous, muscular systems and more

*promote cellular regeneration

*pass through the blood/brain barrier

*calm and balance emotions via the limbic system of your brain

*promote healthy emotional wellness and regulate the brain/body

*transport nutrients

*be powerful antioxidants

*remove toxins in the air and flush them from your body

*promote healthy/breathable air

*and are a great alternative to chemical or toxic fragrances
