Essential Oils for Maternity and Pregnancy–A Beautiful Adventure


I was very cautious about what came near my 3 babies–or thought I was until I learned about essential oils and that even lotions marketed safe for babies contain chemicals in them that I wouldn’t want near my babies. Since I cannot go back and change that, I definitely want to make sure you are better informed! For newborn babies, you DO need to pay attention to what oils are used as they have thinner, more delicate skin and they can react to strong oils (in rare instances experience respiratory distress when worn or diffused and too much is used). Oils to use sparingly or avoid in infants the first week include: eucalyptus, peppermint, basil, juniper, hyssop and wintergreen. In general, you want to take a natural lotion, like Young Living’s Seedlings Baby Lotion or Baby Oil, (seriously, you really do!) and use that to combine with the essential oils you will use topically on your infant so that they are diluted. The quality of your oil always matters so do not use cheap oils as they are poor quality and have additives that may be unsafe for your baby. Always use seed to seal high grade oils like Young Living for that reason. 

For toddlers, ages 2-5, always dilute any oils you plan to use topically, and the general rule of thumb is to use 1 drop of oil to 30 drops of carrier oil (I would recommend using Coconut oil as the carrier oil as it is hypoallergenic and nourishing for your skin). 

There is an entire line of Seedling products that are safe for infant and toddler care! To view/order online go to:
